Coming Next!
1) HUPO-Proteomics Standards Initiative Spring workshop, March 31st-April 3rd, University of Tuebingen, Germany
2) ASMS is June 1st-5th, Baltimore, USA
2) EuPA conference, Saint Malo, France, June 16-20th
3) Nordic Mass Spectrometry meeting, 1st-3rd September, Odense, Denmark
3) HUPO 2025 November 9-13th, – Toronto, Canada.
Past Events
October 20-24- HUPO 2024:

Welcome to the 14th European Summer School on Advance Proteomics
This summer school is designed to provide graduate students and young postdoctoral scientists from academia and industry with insights into state-of-the-art proteomic technologies and applications in the life sciences.
Participation in the summer school requires registration, the submission of a poster abstract, and presentation of a poster.The organizing committee will select participants on the basis of the submitted abstracts.
Registration and abstract submission is open.
Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: 31.05.2022
Please feel free to Register or Login.
The registration fee for all participants is 700 Euro and covers accommodation, full board and extra activities. Participants are responsible for meeting their own travel expenses.
Payment terms will be communicated by e-mail upon formal participation acceptance.
Grants are available from many of the national proteome societies. Please contact your national proteomic and/or biochemistry society for details.
University graduate schools may also offer financial assistance for participating in this event. Please contact your local representative.
DEADLINE IS APPROACHING: 30th APRIL 2022- EuPA summer school from 14-17 June 2022 CEINGE Naples
EuPA summer school from 14-17 June 2022 CEINGE Naples, Italy
XIV Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA 2022)
03- 07 April 2022, Leipzig (DE)
Organiser / scientific commitee: German Society of Proteome Research
in cooperation with: European Proteomics Association (EuPA)
Get Ready for HUPO ReConnect 2021!
November 15-19, 2021
HUPO ReConnect 2021 kicks off with a series of 60-minute live webinars taking place on August 16 and October 18 in which the very best of proteomics research will be presented as a prelude to the main Congress sessions. The webinars will comprise presentations with dedicated time for your questions and interactions with the speakers and moderator/chair. This exciting pre-congress program is complimentary.
Before hitting the main event, the HUPO Pre-Congress Training takes place over 5 days, and is included in your main Congress registration! A total of 5 training courses are planned and each course will include three one-hour pre-recorded talks made available on-demand two weeks prior to the live days.
This introductory level Protoemics Fundamentals Training course is perfect for students and researchers new to proteomics and those looking to expand their proteomic skillset. Visit the congress website for more information on the pre-congress training program
Joint Polish Proteomic Society and Finnish Proteomics Society 2021 Seminar on Bioinformatic for Proteomics and Proteomics in Immunological Research-

Past Events
- 19th Human Proteome Organization World Congress- Stockholm for October 24 – 28, 2021!
- Due to the effects of COVID-19 the HUPO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden has been postponed to 2021
- This was hosted as a virtual event in 2020:
- MINISYMPOSIUM:Proteogenomics: Bridging genotype to phenotype
10.00 Coffee 10.15 JanneLehtiö, KarolinskaInstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden: “Proteogenomics–connecting genotype with molecular phenotype” 11.15Lennart Martens, VIB, Flanders, Netherlands: “A proteomics-powered deep dive into the transcriptome” PHARMACITY AUDITORIUM, Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 B Turku For further info please contact: bioinformatics-coordinator@utu.fiOrganised by Turku University Medical Bioinformatics Centre
- Introduction to Proteomics Course at CSC: 25/03/2019 Course overview Proteomics is a systems biology approach to study the entire protein complement of a cell, tissue, or organism. This large-scale study of proteins is increasingly popular in post genomics era and has found its widespread applications in fields including drug discovery, cardiovascular research, and nutrition research, just to name a few. This course will provide both theoretical and practical training at the introductory level. Participants will learn the principles of current methodologies and apply bioinformatics tools for data analysis.
***************************************************** HUPO-PSI meeting 2019 Cape Town, SA, March 18-20 : ****************************************************** PROTEOMIC FORUM 2019 XIII. Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association: From Genes via Proteins and their Interactions to Functions March 24–28, 2019 • Potsdam, Germany ******************************************************* Proteomics and its Application to Translational and Precision Medicine (D3) Scientific Organizers: Matthias Mann, Emma K. Lundberg, Albert J.R. Heck and Mathias Uhlén April 7—11, 2019 Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm, Sweden (Keystone Symposium) Discounted Registration Deadline: Feb 6, Abstract Submission still possible. ********************************************************** 67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics June 2 – 6, 2019 | Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA Abstract Deadline is February 1st: Go to Abstract Guidelines & Submission ****************************************************** The 13th Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (MSBM) 7-13 July 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia Deadline for registration is 7 June 2019. ********************************************************* The HUPO World Congress in 2019 15 – 18 September 2019. Adelaide, Australia, ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CLOSING: Friday, 14 June 2019 Home ******************************************************* Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference 26.-28.8. in Hanasaari, Espoo. The preliminary program and other information about the event will be published soon at the conference website at More information is also available from the chair of the organizing committee, Dr. Tiina Kauppila (, +358-50-5394424).
Previous Events
- 10th Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association (
- Proteomics in Finland – Present and Future Technologies: 30.5.2016 at Hartman Institute, University of Helsinki FinnProt spring seminar 2016
- 9th European Summer School Advanced Proteomics August 2 – 8, 2015, Kloster Neustift (Brixen/Bressanone, South Tirol, Italy) This summer school is designed to provide graduate students and young postdoctoral scientists from academia and industry with insights into state-of-the-art proteomic technologies and applications in the life sciences. More information >>
- Biotherapeutic protein characterisation with LC-MS – insight to Biosimilars and comparability April 20 – 22, 2015 in Vienna, Austria Practical seminar More information >>
- Proteomics Course in Helsinki: Advanced Course in Modern Protein Chemistry and Clinical Proteomics 2015 April 20 – 24, 2015 in Helsinki The Biomedicum Helsinki Clinical Proteomics Unit is arranging a 5 days hands – on course in modern protein chemistry and proteomics More information >>
- 1st Finnish Symposium on Biological Mass Spectrometry April 14 – 16, 2015, in Tampere The first joint Symposium on Biological Mass Spectrometry was organized by the Finnish Mass Spectrometry Society, the Finnish Proteomics Society and the Finnish Peptide Society. A one-day course “Biological Mass Spectrometry: Ionization Methods and Analyzers” was held on April 14 before the symposium at the venue. More information >>
- 10th Anniversary Symposium of FinnProt: November 7, 2014 in Logomo, Turku The major focus of the 10th FinnProt Anniversary Symposiumwas was to introduce proteomics research performed in Finland. Several proteomics core facilities from Finland presented their expertise in various fields of protein chemistry, proteomics and mass spectrometry analysis. More information >>
- Proteomics course in Turku, September 15 – 19, 2014: A walk-through from basics to advanced techniques This course included both hands-on exercises and lectures on mass spectrometry based proteomics techniques. More information >>
- FinnProt general assembly: March 12, 2014 in Turku The FinnProt general assembly took place during the Nordic Proteomics Conference 2014 in Turku. The main points in the general assembly were to discuss the general direction of FinnProt for the upcoming 2 years and to select the new board.
- 4th biannual FinnProt Students´ Day “Sample Preparation in Proteomics”: September 24, 2013 in Hanasaari. The event took place in the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre Hanasaari, Espoo, and was open to all students and researchers interested or planning to work with proteins. More information >>
- Advanced Course in Proteomics and Protein Chemistry: May 27-31, 2013 in Helsinki Organizer: Marc Baumann & Helsinki Life Science Network of Graduate Schools (VGSB, GPBM, HBGS, FGSN) and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki.
- 5th FinnProt Symposium “Challenges in Proteomics”: June 6-7, 2012 in Sannäs, Finland
- Bioinformatics and -Statistics in Proteomics: November 24-25, 2009 in Helsinki The two day course organized by FinnProt was held on Tuesday the 24th and Wednesday the 25th of November 2009 at the University of Helsinki Viikki Campus. The speakers of the course were: Jukka Corander (University of Helsinki), Patricia Palagi (the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland), Sampsa Hautaniemi (Biomedicum Helsinki), Tero Aittokallio (Department of Mathematics, University of Turku), Olivia Ebner (Max-Delbruck-Zentrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin-Buch, Germany), Niina Lietzén (Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki), Kimmo Mattila (CSC), and Suvi Ravela (University of Helsinki). The course included also a poster session on Tuesday afternoon.
- Analysis of Proteomics Data Using R: September 20-21, 2010 in Helsinki The two day course was organized by FinnProt in collaboration with the University of Helsinki graduate school GPBM. It was held on the 20th and 21st of September 2010 in the University of Helsinki Learning Centre Alexandria. The teacher on the course was biostatistician Jarno Tuimala. The course included the very basics of working with R, importing data, data manipulation, preprocessing data, quality control, visualization of the data, and statistical analysis.