Welcome to FinnProt

The Finnish Proteomics Society (FinnProt) aims to make proteomics research readily available for the scientific community in Finland, and promote research and education in proteomics and protein chemistry.

FinnProt is the official Finnish collaborative body in international proteomics organizations, representing Finland in the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) and the European Proteomics Association, EuPA.


Note: From time to time announcements for FinnProt travel grants are posted here, but please not that only members who have joined prior to announcements are eligible.


Coming next in 2024:

2024 Travel grants, to be announced

7-13th July MSBM Summer School, Dubrovnik : http://msbm.org/program/

72nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 2 – 6, 2024 , Anaheim, California. https://www.asms.org/conferences/annual-conference/annual-conference-homepage

20-24th October,  HUPO, Dresden: https://2024.hupo.org/


The FinnProt AGM (13th February 2024).

Travel Grants 2023

The Finnish Proteomics Society will award two travel grants of 500€ to attend Nordic Proteomic Meeting (NPS 2023) held in Lund, Sweden 15-17 November 2023 (https://mkon.nu/nps).

This year’s meeting is organized by Swedish Proteomics Society (SPS) and covers a broad range of state-of-the-art proteomics applications in health, disease and biology.

We welcome applications from FinnProt association members.

The selection of applications will be made based on a motivation letter and abstract for the meeting sent to dokrmu@utu.fi by 15.08.2023.


06/02/2023: FinnProt AGM (zoom)

New board and plans for 2023-


DEADLINE IS APPROACHING: 30th APRIL 2022- EuPA summer school from 14-17 June 2022 CEINGE Naples

See the courses and conferences tab.


Please note that there is one 700 € grant available for a FinnProt member to attend the Advanced Proteomics Summer School in Brixen, Italy (31.7-6.8.2022). Applicants should send a letter of motivation and abstract for the meeting to robert.moulder@bioscience.fi (deadline 09/05/2022).


HUPO2022 Cancun MEXICO!


Program at a Glance is now available! Click here for a sneak peek.


Registration, accommodation bookings and abstract submission will open on May 1, 2022.

Receive HUPO 2022 Cancun updates by signing up for the congress newsletter.


Proteomics of Extracellular Vesicles:

November 18th
The seminar participants should register by November 17,
2021. The request for registration should be sent by e-mail
via Polish Proteomics Society <proteom@man.poznan.pl> or
Finnish Proteomics Society <maciej.lalowski@helsinki.fi>.
The relevant link to the ZOOM platform meeting will be sent to registered participants only.

  • XIV Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA 2022)

  • 03- 07 April 2022, Leipzig (DE)

  • www.proteomic-forum.com

Organiser / scientific commitee: German Society of Proteome Research

in cooperation with: European Proteomics Association (EuPA)


Get Ready for HUPO ReConnect 2021!

November 15-19, 2021
 HUPO ReConnect 2021 kicks off with a series of 60-minute live webinars taking place on August 16 and October 18 in which the very best of proteomics research will be presented as a prelude to the main Congress sessions.

HUPO Pre-Congress Training takes place over 5 days, and is included in your main Congress registration! A total of 5 training courses are planned and each course will include three one-hour pre-recorded talks made available on-demand two weeks prior to the live days. 

This introductory level Protoemics Fundamentals Training course is perfect for students and researchers new to proteomics and those looking to expand their proteomic skillset. Visit the congress website for more information on the pre-congress training program


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the Spring Proteomic Highlights, an on line meeting organized jointly by the Polish Proteomic Society and Finnish Proteomics Society, devoted to problems of modern proteomics and proteogenomics in human disease research.

The speakers of the seminar are Dr Javier Alfaro from the International Center of Cancer Vaccines Science (ICCVS), at the University of Gdansk and Dr Tuula Nyman representing the University of Oslo.

“Proteogenomics today and tomorrow”

Dr Javier Alfaro

Proteomics to characterize activation of innate immunity”

Dr Tuula Nyman

The online event will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 2 -4 pm CET, via ZOOM platform.

Please feel free to circulate the information among any colleagues that may be interested.

Please register your participation by replying to: proteom@man.poznan.pl or maciej.lalowski@helsinki.fi

The zoom link will be provided to registered participants.


General Assembly in Turku 16/03/2021

A new Vice President and Social media secretary were elected.

The planning  of on-line events is in progress.


HUPO 2021 Stockholm

  • 19th Human Proteome Organization World Congress- Stockholm for October 24 – 28, 2021! https://hupo.org/event-2778909https://hupo2020.org
    • Due to the effects of COVID-19 the 2020 HUPO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden was substituted with a virtual event and is now scheduled for 2021
    • https://hupo2021.org/

Note national proteomics society members are entitled to discounted registration for EuPA and HUPO events. Join FinnProt to be eligible!


HUPO 2020 Zoom

The Human Proteome Organization’s Proteome Project releases the major milestone 2020 Metrics paper of the Human Proteome with >90% of Predicted Human Proteins Now Credibly Detected


FinnProt-HUPO Travel Grant for HUPO 2019

Australia is a long way from Finland and thus not a budget choice for conference attendance.

However, recognising this barrier of distance and cost, the Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO) is offering to match the value of travel grants from national proteomics societies to encourage and enable participation at this year’s HUPO conference 15th-19th September in Adelaide, Southern Australia.

In keeping with their generosity FinnProt is offering two 600 travel grants for the HUPO conference.

To be eligible you should be a member of FinnProt (prior to 09/04/2019) and need to send your abstract and a letter of intent to the current secretary of FinnProt (robert.moulder@btk.fi) before May 5th.

The deadline for abstracts to HUPO is 14th June, and as we intend to promptly evaluate the applications within a week of our deadline, this should leave the successful applicants time deal with other matters.

Please note the grant is  only issued subject to  use at this conference.

See the following link  for details:



General Assembly and Presentations in Turku 20/03/2019

On March 20th both Janne Lehtio and Lennart Martens will be speaking in Turku in a minisymposium  organised by the Turku Medical Bioinformatics Centre

Proteogenomics: Bridging genotype to phenotype

The event begins at 10 and will finish around lunch time, and thus will be an excellent opportunity to get to Turku, listen to some high quality proteomics presentations, have lunch together and have a general assembly: That is four things for the price of one!

It would be useful to know how many FinnProt members will come, join for lunch and remain at the General assembly. The assembly is necessary tool for the correct running of the society, election of board members, decision making and  defining policy. Please make the effort to attend! The agenda will be forwarded in advance. Please mail me if you attend to come.

Robert Moulder Ph.D.

FinnProt Secretary



Introduction to Proteomics Course at CSC Espoo:  25/03/2019



Proteomics and its Application to Translational and Precision Medicine (D3)

Scientific Organizers: Matthias Mann, Emma K. Lundberg, Albert J.R. Heck and Mathias Uhlén

April 7—11, 2019

Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm, Sweden (Keystone Symposium)

Discounted Registration Deadline: Feb 6, Abstract Submission still possible.


67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

June 2 – 6, 2019  |  Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA

Abstract Deadline is February 1st:

Go to Abstract Guidelines & Submission


The 13th Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (MSBM)

7-13 July 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Deadline for registration is 7 June 2019. http://www.msbm.org/


The HUPO World Congress in 2019

15 – 18 September 2019. Adelaide, Australia,




Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference

26.-28.8. in Hanasaari, Espoo.

The preliminary program and other information about the event will be published
soon at the conference website at www.nordicms2019.fi. More information is also
available from the chair of the organizing committee, Dr. Tiina Kauppila
(tjkauppila@gmail.com, +358-50-5394424).

Welcome to FinnnProt

Look out for announcements for FinnProt travel grants (only members are illegible)

Here are a few meetings to watch out for in 2019.

HUPO-PSI meeting 2019

Cape Town, SA, March 18-20 :




XIII. Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association:
From Genes via Proteins and their Interactions to Functions
March 24–28, 2019 • Potsdam, Germany



Proteomics and its Application to Translational and Precision Medicine (D3)

Scientific Organizers: Matthias Mann, Emma K. Lundberg, Albert J.R. Heck and Mathias Uhlén

April 7—11, 2019

Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm, Sweden (Keystone Symposium)

Discounted Registration Deadline: Feb 6, Abstract Submission still possible.


67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

June 2 – 6, 2019  |  Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA

Abstract Deadline is February 1st:

Go to Abstract Guidelines & Submission


The 13th Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (MSBM)

7-13 July 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Deadline for registration is 7 June 2019. http://www.msbm.org/


The HUPO World Congress in 2019

15 – 18 September 2019. Adelaide, Australia,




Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference

26.-28.8. in Hanasaari, Espoo.

The preliminary program and other information about the event will be published
soon at the conference website at www.nordicms2019.fi. More information is also
available from the chair of the organizing committee, Dr. Tiina Kauppila
(tjkauppila@gmail.com, +358-50-5394424).